Who: Cliffbrake is a Regional Group of Companies Inc. affiliate company created by Steve Gordon, the executive Chairman of Regional Group. The purpose of this company (currently known as Gordon Family Investments), is to build wealth for the Gordon family in non-real estate industries including but not limited to, disruptive technologies, renewable energy, precious metals, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies.
How: As a long term client of Baytek’s, Regional Group entrusted us for a branding and web design exercise for the Gordon family investment company. With the logo mark, the idea was to use the perspective of looking up to the cliff’s edge, rather showing the side profile (avoiding the “falling off a cliff” concern). Using this perspective, the symbol has an impressive stature. It gives a positive impression, with upwards momentum. The muted colour palette embodies a sense of stability, with the sans-serif word mark doing the same. The website shows off the rest of the brand vision, with mountains conquered and perspectives gained.