Canadian Electricity Association – New Website Design

Canadian Electricity Association - Website Design

Who: Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) members generate, transmit, and distribute electrical energy to industrial, commercial, residential, and institutional customers across Canada. Members include integrated electric utilities, independent power producers, transmission and distribution companies, power marketers, manufacturers and suppliers of materials, technology, and services that keep the industry running smoothly.

How: Our client said it best in a tweet:

That’s right – 624 pages, 4 sites, 14 weeks. It was a large undertaking, but we did it! Amazing work by our team to get it done on time and on budget. The final result is a beautiful visually-appealing site with tons of functionality, including an e-commerce platform.

“Baytek turned a daunting website rebuild into a beautiful final product on time and on budget. We weaved 624 pages on four separate sites into one modern, navigable, stunning site. The people are knowledgeable and supportive. The processes from beginning to end are designed to be easy and goal-driven. The ongoing support has been excellent. Baytek was able to take our unique needs, consider our diverse membership, and deliver a site that delivers on all our goals. Sebastien, Jim, Chad and the whole team at Baytek, I look forward to working with you again.”

Margaux Stastny
Director of Communications

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