Luca Mariano Whiskey – New Website

Luca Mariano Whiskey

Who: The Viola Family Whiskey recipes have been closely guarded secrets kept by the family since 1914 and passed down from generation to generation. As a tribute, to his son Luca and to his grandfather Mariano, Francesco S. Viola created Luca Mariano Distillery to share his family tradition legally with you.

How: As Ottawa’s Web Design and Branding specialists, Baytek jumped at the chance to be involved in this project. Having initially established the branding, Baytek was then invited to design and develop the responsive website for the Whiskey arm of the Luca Mariano brand. Each whiskey in the family has it’s own story, told through visually appealing graphics and font design. The result is a simple yet attractive home base for the Luca Mariano Whiskey brand to grow into. Much like the Whiskey, it gets better with age!