Who: Every lawyer in Canada and notary in Quebec is required by law to be a member of a law society and to be governed by its rules. Canada’s 14 provincial and territorial law societies govern Canada’s 100,000 lawyers, Quebec’s 4,000 notaries and Ontario’s 6,000 paralegals in the public interest. The Federation of Law Societies of Canada (FLSC) is their national coordinating body.
How: Having been partnered with FLSC for almost 5 years, Baytek was looking forward to extending this relationship even further. In order to bring the FLSC’s website into the next generation, a responsive design was deemed imperative. Web architecture was developed and wireframes were designed – the result being a streamlined site plan that would make sense to their users. Upon the completion of the site plan, mock-ups were designed at several breakpoints in order to the design the optimum experience no matter which device the user is on. From there, the mock-ups were developed in a beautiful, clean responsive web design, sitting upon the WordPress platform.
“In each case Baytek met or surpassed the specifications required, often taking the initiative to suggest innovative solutions to what were traditional problems for the Federation.”
Bob Linney
Director of Communications, Federation of Law Societies Canada.