Who: The 4R Solution is a Canadian program that will improve agricultural productivity and sustainability for more than 80,000 smallholder farmers (50% women) in developing countries including Ethiopia, Ghana, and Senegal. Smallholder farmers working through their own co-operatives will grow more, nutritious, and marketable crops, benefiting from better agricultural practices, especially fertilizer usage following 4R Nutrient Stewardship (Right Source @ Right Rate, Right Time, Right Place), a science-based fertilizer management program supported by Canada’s fertilizer industry.
How: Fertilizer Canada is a long standing client of Baytek’s. When they approached us with the 4R Solution project, we were very excited to take this to the next level. We designed & developed a custom mini-site that would be accessible to their target audiences across the world. With a focus on creating global impact, Baytek and Fertilizer Canada worked hard to create a useful and engaging website for this project.