Who: BORN is Ontario’s pregnancy, birth and childhood registry and network. By collecting, interpreting, sharing and rigorously protecting critical data about each birth in the province, BORN makes a positive and lasting contribution to the health of mothers, newborns, children and the citizens of Ontario.
Solution: Having outgrown Baytek’s original design, BORN Ontario once again enlisted Baytek’s help in realizing a dynamic, content-rich Website design. Utilizing a new approach to Website navigation, Baytek set about putting the audience first in this Website revamp. From the home-page, the Website is built around several audiences, all of which can either be selected from the home-page slider or the left-side menu. Providing quick links as a guide to the content heavy site was integral to how users would browse the Website and find the information most pertinent to them. Another technique to distill the content was to use ‘accordions’ to keep the pages light, but still contain a lot of information in one place. This approach enables users faster access to the information they are looking for, without having to browse through hundreds of pages.